RASA News Archive Before August 2017
- Wang has been elected as the President-Elect for the IISE Division of Quality Control and Reliability Engineering (QCRE) . (4/19/2017)
- Congratulations to Mr. Neeraj Dubbalwar, a former RASA member who graduated with the M.S. degree in Spring 2017, for his new job at Alta Vista Solutions (4/7/2017).
- Wang received the prestigious Young Investigator Awardfrom the ASME Design Automation Committee. Congratulations! (8/23/2016)
- Zequn Wang, a former Ph.D. student in RASA, joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Michigan Tech as an assistant professor. Congratulations to Dr. Zequn Wang, as an excellent and incredibile scholar! (8/15/2016)
- RASA welcomes three new members! Xiaoning Fan from Taiyuan University of Sci & Tech, China, joins RASA as a Visiting Scholar for one year. During her stay in RASA, Dr. Fan will work on structural design research problems. Additionally, Mr. Neeraj Dubbalwar and Ms. Atousa Nasr join RASA as Graduate Assistants (7/27/2016).
- Three journal articles, authored by Ms. Nita Yodo and Dr. Wang from RASA have been published in the Journal of Mechanical Design (7/10/2016).
- Research article, authored by Dr. Guangxing Bai and Dr. Wang from RASA, titled “An Internal State Variable Mapping Approach for Li-Plating Diagnosis“, has been published by Elsevier Journal of Power Sources (IF: 5.257) (5/18/2016).
- Wang is now serving as the Review Editor for Springer Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, SAMO (4/28/2016)
- Congratulations to RASA member, Guangxing Bai, for successfully defending his Ph.D. dissertation. The dissertation is titled: “Advanced Data-Driven Prognostics and Health Management for Complex Dynamic Systems.” (12/08/2015)
- Congratulations to RASA member, Xiaolong Cui, for successfully defending his Master Thesis. (11/23/2015)
- RASA recieves award (CMMI-1538508) from National Science Foundation (NSF) for the project titled ” Using Operational Performance Data to Update Design Models for the Design of Failure-Resilient Engineered Systems“. This 3-year award, in total of $320,000, will support Dr. Wang and his students to create new system design theory and tools for designing failure-resilient complex engineered systems. (8/14/2015)
- RASA members to talk in annual IIE conference. Four members from RASA, Dr. Wang, Mr. Amirmahyar Abdolsamadi, Ms. Nita Yodo, and Mr. Xiaolong Cui will present the research in RASA at annual Industrial and System Engineering Research Conference (ISERC) to be held in Nashiville TN from May 30, 2015 to June 2, 2015. (5/20/2015)
- RASA receives the third year continuous funding support from Department of Transportation, through University Transportation Center program, for the research addressing reliability and safety issues of electric vehicle battery systems, with the focuses on prognostics and mitigation of safety critical failure modes (5/7/2015).
- Research article, authored by Dr. Pingfeng Wang from RASA, Dr. Zequn Wang from Northwestern University (former member of RASA), Dr. Byeng D. Youn from Seoul National University, and Dr. Soobum Lee from University of Maryland at Baltimore County (UMBC), titled “Reliability-based Robust Design of Smart Sensing Systems for Failure Diagnostics Using Piezoelectric Materials,” has been accepted for publication by Elsevier Journal of Computers & Structures (IF: 2.676) (4/4/2015).
- Congratulations to RASA member, Abdulaziz Turki Almaktoom, co-advised by Dr. Wang and Dr. Krishnan, for successfully defending his Ph.D. dissertation. The dissertation is titled: “Reliability, Robustness, and Resilience of Complex Supply Chain Systems: Design Optimization and Analysis Under Uncertainties.” (3/12/2015)
- Research article, authored by Dr. Prasanna Tamilselvan from Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. (former member of RASA), and Dr. Wang, titled, “A Tri-fold Hybrid Classification Approach for Diagnostics with Unexampled Faulty States”, has been accepted for publication by Elsevier Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (IF: 2.903). (2/1/2015).
- Congratulations to RASA member, Mr. Adebayo O. Adewunmi, for successfully defending his Master Thesis (12/4/2014)
- Congratulations to RASA member, Mr. Guangxing Bai, for successfully defending his Doctoral Dissertation Proposal (12/3/2014)
- Research article, authored by Mr. Guangxing Bai and Dr. Wang from RASA , and Dr. Chao Hu from Medtronic Inc., titled “A Self-Cognizant Dynamic System Approach for Prognostics and Health Management”, has been accepted for publication by Elsevier Journal of Power Sources (IF: 5.257) (10/25/2014).
- RASA welcomes new members, Mr. Amirmahyar Abdolsamdadi and Mr. Long Wang (8/22/2014).
- Congratulations to RASA member, Mr. Guangxing Bai, for successfully passing the Doctoral Qalify Exam (8/21/2014).
- Research article, co-authored by Mr. Guangxing Bai and Dr. Wang from RASA, Dr. Chao Hu from Medtronic Inc., and Dr. Michael Pecht from University of Maryland , titled “A Generic Model Free Approach for Lithium-Ion Battery Health Managment,” has been published by Elsevier Journal of Applied Energy (IF: 5.597) (8/6/2013).
- Wang received NSF CAREER Award, for the project titled “CAREER: Designing Engineered Systems for Resilience and Sustainability by Considering Post-design Retrofits.”(6/17/2014)
- Wang received 2014 Wallace Excellence In Research Award (5/10/2014).
- RASA welcomes new member, Mr. Xiaolong Cui.
- Wang received 2014 Polished Professor Award of the Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, an award based on votes from students (5/10/2014).
- Congratulations to RASA member, Mr. Zequn Wang, for successfully defending his Doctoral Dissertation (4/29/2014).
- Wang is elected as the member of Non-Deterministic Approach (NDA) Technical Committee with his three-year terms in AIAA (4/3/2014).
- Wang is elected as the member of Board of Directors with his two-year terms (2014 ~ 2016) for IIE QCRE Division (3/25/2014).
- Research article , authored by Dr. Tamilselvan and Dr. Wang from RASA and Dr. Hu from Medtronic Inc., titled “Health Diagnostics Using Multi-Attribute Classification Fusion”, has been accepted for publication by Elsevier Journal of Engineering Applications of Artifical Intelligence (3/20/2014).
- RASA welcomes new member, Mr. Chaoyang Xie, a visiting Ph.D. student from China. Chaoyang will stay in RASA for one year to conduct research on physics of failure based reliability analysis methods (1/11/2014).
- Research article from RASA, authored by Mr. Zequn Wang and Dr. Wang, titled “A Maximum Confidence Enhancement Based Sequential Sampling Scheme for Simulation-Based Design,” has been accepted for publication by Journal of Mechanical Design (12/18/2013).
- Congratulations to RASA member, Mr. Liang Xu, for being employed by SpectraQuest Inc., after finishing his M.S. degree study in RASA at WSU (11/14/2013).
- RASA, partnering with researchers from five other universities, is awarded a $5.2M research grant from Department of Transportation (DOT), through the University Transportation Center program sponsored by Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA). Six universities participating in this effort, led by Iowa state InTrans, will establish a regional University Transportation Center focusing on developing data-driven performance measures for enhanced infrastructure condition, safety, and project delivery. Dr. Wang will serve as the site director in WSU and lead the WSU team to participate in this research (11/1/2013).
- RASA welcomes new member, Mr. Adebayo O. Adewunmi! Adebayo is a M.S. student in Industrial Engineering from Nigeria (11/1/2013).
- Congratulations to RASA member, Mr. Zequn Wang, for successfully defending his Doctoral Dissertation Proposal (10/29/2013).
- Research article from RASA, co-authored by Dr. Wang and researchers from University of Michigan-Dearborn led by Dr. Zhimin Xi , titled “A Copula-Based Sampling Method for Data-Driven Prognostics and Health Management,” has been awarded the ASME DAC Best Paper Award by ASME Design Automation Committee at the 39th Design Automation Conference held in Portland, OR, in August 6, 2013 (8/12/2013).
- Congratulations to RASA member, Mr. Prasanna Tamilselvan, for successfully defending his Doctoral Dissertation (7/10/2013).
- Congratulations to RASA member, Mr. Liang Xu, for successfully passing his Master Thesis defense (7/9/2013).
- Research article from RASA, authored by Mr. Prasanna Tamilselvan and Dr. Wang, titled “A Multi-Attribute Classification Fusion System for Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Diagnostics,” has been publication by Journal of Microelectronics Reliability (6/20/2013).
- Congratulations to RASA member, Mr. Yibin Wang, for successfully passing his Master Thesis defense, (5/2/2013).
- Research article from RASA, co-authored by Mr. Prasanna Tamilselvan, Dr. Wang, and Dr. Shawn Sheng from NREL, titled “A Two-Stage Diagnosis Framework for Wind Turbine Gearbox Condition Monitoring,” has been accepted for publication by International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management (IJPHM) on the special issue of Wind Turbine PHM (5/1/2013).
- Congratulations to RASA member, Ms. Nita Yodo, for successfully passing her Master Thesis defense; (4/23/2013)
- Wang receives the Young Faculty Scholar Award from Wichita State University’s Board of Trustees. The award is to recognize faculty members who are between their third and eighth year of service and have records of excellence in teaching performance and substantial achievement in research and/or creative activity. (4/22/2013)
- Research article from RASA, authored by Mr. Zequn Wang and Dr. Wang, titled “A Maximum Confidence Enhancement based Sequential Sampling Scheme for Simulation-based Design,” has been accepted for publication by Journal of Mechanical Design. (4/9/2013)
- Research article from RASA, authored by Mr. Zequn Wang, Mr. Abdulaziz Almaktoom, and Dr. Wang, titled “Dynamic Reliability-Based Robust Design Optimization with Time-Variant Probabilistic Constraints,” has been accepted for publication by Journal of Engineering Optimization. (3/5/2013)
- Research article from RASA, authored by Mr. Prasanna Tamilselvan and Dr. Wang, titled “Deep belief network based state classification for structural health diagnostics,” has been accepted for publication by Journal of Reliability Engineering and System Safety. (2/22/2013)
- Research article from RASA, authored by Mr. Zequn Wang, and Dr. Wang, titled “A new approach for reliability analysis with time-variant performance characteristics,” has been accepted for publication by Journal of Reliability Engineering and System Safety. (1/17/2013)
- Research article from RASA, authored by Mr. Prasanna Tamilselvan and Dr. Wang, titled “Prognosis-informed wind farm operation and maintenance for economic and environmental benefits,” has been accepted for publication by International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing. (11/1/2012)
- Research article from RASA authored by Mr. Zequn Wang and Dr. Wang, titled “A Nested Extreme Response Surface Approach for Time-Dependent Reliability-Based Design Optimization ” has been accepted for publication by Journal of Mechanical Design. (9/14/2012)
- Wang receives the Young Researcher Award from International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA) in August 2012.
- Congratulations to RASA member, Mr. Tianlong Xu, for successfully defending his master degree thesis. (7/3/2012)
- Congratulations to Prasanna Tamilselvan and Ramkumar Jayaraman, graduate students in RASA, for winning the Best Paper Award in the 2012 IEEE international conference on Prognostics and Health Management, held from June 17~ 21 in Denver CO. The winning paper is titled “Diagnostics with Unexampled Faulty States Using a Two-Fold Classification Method”. (6/22/2012)
- Wang recieves award (CMMI-1200597) from National Science Foundation (NSF) for the project titled ” Concurrent Design for Functional Reliability and Failure Prognosis of Complex Engineered Systems “. This 3-year award will support Dr. Wang and his students to create new system design theory and tools that not only ensure system functional reliability, but also enable function failure prognosis. (4/16/2012)
- Research article from RASA, titled “Copula-Based Statistical Health Grade System against Mechanical Faults of Power Transformers” has been accepted for publication by IEEE Trans.Power Delivery. (4/15/2012)
- Research article from RASA, titled “Ensemble of Data-Driven Prognostic Algorithms with Weight Optimization and K- Fold Cross Validation ” has been accepted for publication by Journal of Reliability Engineering and System Safety. (3/1/2012)
- RASA recieves research grant from Spirit AeroSytem Inc. to continue the Phase II study of the project titled “Spirit Reliability-based Design Model”. The kick-off meeting is held in Wallace Hall 111A at WSU on Jan. 20.2012. (1/15/2012)
- Research article from RASA authored by Prasanna and Yibin, titled “Deep Belief Network Based State Classification for Structural Health Diagnostics” has been accepted by the IEEE AeroConference. Students will present their research findings in March 2012 @ Big Sky, MT. (12/20/2011)
- Research article from RASA, titled “A Generic Probabilistic Framework for Structural Health Prognostic and Uncertainty Management”, has been accepted by Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. (11/15/2011)
- Research article from RASA, titled “Resilience-Driven System Design for Complex Engineering System”, has been accepted by Journal of Mechanical Design. (10/15/2011)
- Wang receives the Strategic Engineering Research Fellowship(SERF) for the new research initiative in WSU College of Engineering on tackling the efficiency degradation of organic solar cells. The project titled “Toward the Design of Organic Solar Cell Materials- Phase I: Efficiency Degradation Prognostics” will start on June 1, 2011. (4/28/2011)
- Congratulations to RASA members, Mr. Gopi K. Sadilingam and Mr. Dwarakanath Jaganath, for successfully passing their master degree defenses; (4/27/2011)
- Wang receives the FIRST AWARD from the NSF Kansas EPSCoR Program for the project titled “Reducing Use Phase Environmental Impacts of Wind Energy System through Sustainable Operation and Maintenance”. (4/25/2011)
- Research Paper from RASA, titled “A Generized Complementary Intersection Method for System Reliability Analysis and Design,” is accepted for the publication in Journal of Mechanical Design; (4/20/2011)
- RASA receives the research grant from Spirit AeroSystem Inc., for the project titled “Spirit Reliability-Based Design Model”. This 3-year project will tackle several challenges in aircraft design for reliability and develop a reliability-based design model for Spirit. The kick off meeting for Phase I (Year 2011, $100K) research will be held in April 15 at 2:00pm at EB120K conference room; (4/02/2011)
- Research paper from RASA, titled “System Reliability Assessment with Multilevel Component Supply Chain Network”, has been accepted for the publication for 2011 IIE Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC); (3/08/2011)
- Congratulations to Prasanna, a PhD student in RASA, for wining the award at the 2011 Capital Graduate Research Summit (CGRS) held at Topeka on February 17th, for his research on “Multi-Sensor Health Diagnostics Using Deep Belief Network Based State Classification”; (2/18/2011)
- RASA receives the University Creative/Research Project Awards (UCRA) from Office of Research Administration (ORA) for the research project titled “Experimental Study of System Reliability and Energy Efficiency for Life Cycle Sustainable Manufacturing Planning”. (2/4/2011)